Student samples from various levels of Typography courses.
These samples present work from courses that began by introducing students to the history and foundation of letterforms. During the class, students acquired skills using typography for communication and design. These projects focus on readability, appropriate font selections, and application of typography in layouts for both print and electronic output. Samples from a mid-level course are also included. These projects focus on hierarchical qualities. The development of original, and creative problem solving are examined with an emphasis on creative techniques. Industry standard software was used in the development of digital typography.
Layout and Composition
Student samples from various Layout and Composition courses.
This section includes student samples that explore an understanding of various grid systems, concept generation/evolution and appropriate use of type and image within page design. Process was emphasized—Research, Concept, Thumbnails, Color Half-sizes and Computer Generated Progression. The ability to effectively integrate photographs, illustrations, and both display and text type was developed using page composition software.
Conceptual Imagery / Advertising
Samples from a course concentrating on image concepts, content, symbolism, and narrative potential for advanced portfolio applications.
This section of student samples presents various print advertisements as well as advertising campaigns. Projects explored Visual Analogy, Visual Metaphor, Life Experience, Comparison, and Appropriation. Client categories included: Health and Beauty, Food and Beverage, an assigned client of Starbucks Coffee, and a Public Service Announcement. Process, and the creation of a process book, was required. The process emphasized—Research, Concept, Thumbnails, Color Half-sizes and Computer Generated Progression.
Student Samples - Conceptual Imagery
Corporate Identity
Samples from a course exploring self-branding and corporate identity systems.
Exploring the role of communication design in creating comprehensive identity systems. The course began with an analysis of corporate objectives and practical applications before developing a structured identity system that included branding and collateral creation (stationery, business cards, signage and packaging vehicles). The course was broken into two major projects… self-branding and the redesign of a Real-world client. The final presentation was made directly to the client and members of their staff.
Student Samples - Self Branding and Corporate Identity